
At Cube Cold, we recognize the critical importance of sustainability on multiple fronts including:

Keeping our employees safe

keeping our employees safe and providing an inclusive working environment, through Periodic Safety rounds and strict safety protocols by site, is a continuous key focus area.

Environmental impact

we recognize the impact of our operations on the environment and seek to reduce our footprint by, amongst others, aiming to optimize our energy solutions, including the deployment of on-site renewable energy systems.

Operational efficiency and innovation for our customers

we seek to increasingly deploy smart technology solutions that can elevate our efficiency, including reducing energy consumption and increasing our offering of innovative solutions to serve our customers more ecologically.

Our primary sustainability
measures encompass:

Keeping our employees safe

keeping our employees safe and providing an inclusive working environment, through Periodic Safety rounds and strict safety protocols by site, is a continuous key focus area.

Environmental impact

we recognize the impact of our operations on the environment and seek to reduce our footprint by, amongst others, aiming to optimize our energy solutions, including the deployment of on-site renewable energy systems.

Operational efficiency and innovation for our customers

we seek to increasingly deploy smart technology solutions that can elevate our efficiency, including reducing energy consumption and increasing our offering of innovative solutions to serve our customers more ecologically.

By embracing these measures, we not only reduce our environmental footprint but also operate more efficiently, ensuring that sustainability remains at the core of our mission.